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Thread: Hello everyone.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Red Chameleon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Hello everyone.

    I am Red Chameleon (real name Zachary). I am 13 years old (April 26, 1995), male, and I live in Ontario, Canada (though I type "color" instead of "colour" and other words like that; it's a habit). I have a high interest in video games and music. I am also into emulation and ROM hacking. I have a minor anger issue and I can be friendly to users of the forum. I have a program named FL Studio which I actually enjoy making music in my free time. I am a spelling and grammar freak and I really enjoy using Rizon's IRC network.

    The reason I joined and found out about Rizon is because a friend of mine on a forum was involved in a big incident and I wanted to find out how I could keep in contact with her. Someone had told me that I could find her on this network and I now visit 9 different channels on the network.

    I hope to have a great time here and I'd like to thank the owners of Rizon for allowing me to use their network!
    Last edited by Red Chameleon; 04-17-2009 at 07:09 PM.

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