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Thread: Syntax or Dare for your channel

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Syntax or Dare for your channel

    Want Syntax or Dare for your channel? Post your request here channel must be registered and you must be listed founder and be able to prove so on IRC.

    Also mention the flags and bot that you want:

    Bots: Syntax, Dare

    +bofh (Bastard Operator From Hell (-bofh))
    +bash ( quotes (-bash))
    +horoscope (Your horoscope for the day (-horoscope))
    +weather (See weather for your zipcode/city (-weather))
    +xrl (Shorten those long URL's in your channel (-xrl))
    +urbandict (Urban Dictionary (-udict))
    +urltitle (Automatically show URL titles for posted URL's)
    +bmotion (Bot AI the bot will have a conversation with your channel)
    +google (Google to your own needs (-google))
    +imdb (Check out information about a move (-imdb))
    +googlescore (Shows googles score for <url> (-googlescore))
    +grouphug (Adds grouphug to your channel (-gh))
    +qb (Adds quotebucket to your channel (-qb))
    +qb_announcenew (Automatically announces new approved quotebucket quotes)
    Last edited by NiTeMaRe; 07-25-2009 at 12:51 PM.
    Regards, NiTeMaRe -

  2. #2
    Member The Compiler's Avatar
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    Winterthur (Switzerland)


    Hi NiTeMaRe,

    would love to have Syntax in #compiler, with all the flags on

    Everything is possible - you just need to know how.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Assigned to #compiler

    Quote Originally Posted by The Compiler View Post
    Hi NiTeMaRe,

    would love to have Syntax in #compiler, with all the flags on

    Regards, NiTeMaRe -

  4. #4
    Junior Member DarkJug's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    It would be nice if you could have Syntax assigned to,

    Thank you, NiTeMaRe

    *with all flags on
    Last edited by DarkJug; 04-24-2009 at 10:07 PM.

  5. #5


    Nice work, NiTe.

    I'd love Syntax in #Rizon.FM with the following flags:


    Thanks in advance.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Annie View Post
    Nice work, NiTe.

    I'd love Syntax in #Rizon.FM with the following flags:


    Thanks in advance.
    Can I get IMDb added?

    Retired since 2009!

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  7. #7
    Member SecretAgent's Avatar
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    California, USA


    Since this gets asked a lot, here's a little run down of the in-channel commands supported by Syntax. NOTE: Some of these may not work in all channels Syntax resides in, depending on the flags the channel founder has chosen to enable.

    Bash QDB (+bash)
    • -bash (Displays a random quote)
    • -bash <id> (Displays the quote for the given id)
    • -bash <text> (Searches for quotes matching the given text)

    Quote Bucket (+qb)
    • -qb (Displays a random quote)
    • -qb:id <id> (Displays the quote for the given id)
    • -qb:search <text> (Searches for quotes matching the given text)
    • -qb:top (Displays top rated quote)
    • -qb:bottom (Displays bottom rated quote)
    • -qb:latest (Displays most recently added quote)

    Note: There are 3 additional flags for channels that have the +qb flag enabled. Unless specified, they will not be set.

    • announce - When the qb announce flag is set for a channel, any new quote additions to Quote Bucket will be announced to the channel. Keep in mind, this could potentially spam a channel with annoying notices -- unless you really can't just get enough of Quote Bucket, heh.
    • timeout - The qb timeout flag determines how much time (specified in seconds) must elapse before the same quote will be shown again in the channel.
    • maxlines - The qb maxlines flag restricts the number of lines a quote may have when shown in the channel. Quotes that exceed maxlines will instead be shown in a private message to the user issuing the command.

    When I get some free time, I'll modify the +bash flag to include these additional flags as well.

    Google (+google)
    NOTE: All of these commands are provided with the +google flag. If you specify a country code (to translate results) with commands that allow it, remember to prefix it with a . (period). Additionally, most of these commands can be used in private too (e.g. /msg Syntax -tr es@en hola) -- likewise, the results will instead be returned in private too.
    • -google [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google results for the given text)
    • -google define: <term> (Define the term given)
    • -google spell: <term> (Check spelling for a given word)
    • -google map: <name|zip> (Find a map for the given name or U.S. zipcode)
    • -google related: <url> (Search for web pages that have similar content to a given site)
    • -google patent: <##> (Lookup a U.S. patent)
    • -google <1+1> (Perform calculations)
    • -google <1 cm in ft> (Perform unit conversions)
    • -google <100 GBP in USD> (Perform currency conversions)
    • -google <tracking##> (Track packages for UPS, FedEx and USPS)
    • -google <area code> (Check geographical location for any U.S. telephone area code)
    • -google weather <city|zip> (Check current weather for given city/ U.S. zipcode)
    • -google time <city> (Check current time for given city)
    • -google <??? airport> (Lookup conditions for the given airport)

    • -rizon <text> (Searches Rizon's forums for the given text)
    • -fight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two> (Check which word(s) contain more results in Google)
    • -ebayfight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two> (Check which word(s) contain more results in Ebay)
    • -news [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google News results for the given text)
    • -images [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google Images results for the given text)
    • -groups [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google Groups results for the given text)
    • -books [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google Books results for the given text)
    • -blog [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google Blog results for the given text)
    • -video [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few Google Video results for the given text)
    • -ch <text> (Search ComputerHope with the given text)
    • -eh <text> (Search EggHelp with the given text)
    • -mi <text> (Search mIRC Scripts with the given text)
    • -tr <language@language text> (Translate text given. Language can be either the full name or two letter abbreviation)
    • -locate <ip|hostmask> (Lookup country information for the given ip/hostmask)
    • -youtube [.google-country-code] <text> (Displays the first few YouTube results for the given text)
    • -gamespot <text> (Search for games on GameSpot matching the text given )
    • -ebay [.ebay country code] <text> (Displays the first few Ebay results for the given text)
    • -wikipedia [.2-digit-country-code]<text> (Displays results from Wikipedia)
    • -wikimedia []<text> (Displays results from Wikimedia)
    • -dailymotion <text> (Displays the first few DailyMotion results for the given text)
    • -ign <text> (Displays the first few iGN results for the given text)
    • -myspace <text> (Displays the first few MySpace Video results for the given text)
    • -trends [.google-country-code] <YYYY-MM-DD> (Displays Google search trends for the given date)
    • -torrent <text> (Search torrents matching the specified text on Mininova)
    • -review <text> @ <system> (Search GameSpot for reviews. System may be one of: pc, psp, ps3, ps2, ps, xbox, x360, wii, ds)
    • -bestgames <system> (View GameRankings best 10 games by system. System may be one of: gc/pc/ps2/ps3/wii/xbox/x360/ds/gba/psp/mobile/ngage/3do/dc/gen/jag/n64/neo/ps1/sat/snes)
    • -worstgames <system> (View GameRankings worst 10 games by system. System may be one of: gc/pc/ps2/ps3/wii/xbox/x360/ds/gba/psp/mobile/ngage/3do/dc/gen/jag/n64/neo/ps1/sat/snes)

    Bastard Operator from Hell (BOFH) (+bofh)
    • -bofh (Displays a random BOFH excuse)

    Urban Dictionary (+urbandict)
    • -ud [id] <term> (Displays Urban Dictionary entries for the given term. Use id to display additional entries (e.g. -ud 3 test))

    Internet Movie Database (IMDB) (+imdb)
    • -imdb <movie name> (Displays misc. info for the given movie, as well as a direct link to the movie's IMDB page.)

    Weather (+weather)
    • -weather <location> (Displays current weather conditions for the given city, if found.)
    • -weather <country> (Displays a list of available cities for the given country.)
    • -forecast <location> (Displays a 3-day forecast for the given city, if found.)
    • -sky <location> (Displays astronomy information for the given city, if found.)

    **Note: U.S. zip codes are supported for weather, forecast and sky.

    Daily Horoscope (+horoscope)
    • -horoscope <sign> (Displays a daily horoscope for the given zodiac/chinese sign.)

    Tiny URL (+xrl)
    • -tiny <url> (Creates a TinyURL for the given URL.)
    • -untiny <tinyurl> (Displays the real URL the TinyURL points to.)

    Group Hug (+grouphug)
    • -gh (Displays a random quote)
    • -gh <id> (Displays the quote for the given id)
    Last edited by SecretAgent; 07-21-2009 at 09:14 PM. Reason: make +google flag a bit more clear.

  8. #8
    Member SecretAgent's Avatar
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    California, USA


    Added to and #Rizon.FM (with their respective flags).

    On a side note, -google and -imdb have been changed to respect channel flags, for those who may not want these two commands enabled in their channel. The new flags are +google and +imdb -- they're both off by default.
    Last edited by SecretAgent; 04-25-2009 at 12:38 AM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    As a side note if you want to test/play with anything all flags are enabled in #NiTeMaRe
    Regards, NiTeMaRe -

  10. #10
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Hi Nitemare can u assign Syntax in #pro ?

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