Can i Have Dare in #CAT please?
All flags on
Can i Have Dare in #1088&1087 Please I'll Wait Awile all Flags
Kantana: There's a key to your channel.
Dare added to #thebasement, #CAT, #1088&1087 and #/z/ with requested flags.
@FLYER: Repeating your request isn't going to make you get the bot any faster.
Dare added to #vesperia with all flags as well.
Last edited by Yuugu; 09-27-2009 at 03:05 PM.
Everything is possible - you just need to know how.
+urbandict (Urban Dictionary (-udict))
+bmotion (Bot AI the bot will have a conversation with your channel)
+google (Google to your own needs (-google))
+imdb (Check out information about a move (-imdb))
+googlescore (Shows googles score for <url> (-googlescore))
tyvm, ;0
Thankyou kind sir
Tinyurl and Grouphug added please? thanks in advance.