Originally Posted by
Heey man, could I please get Syntax with the following flags to appear in #pokemonV and #VickyChat? :3
+bofh (Bastard Operator From Hell (-bofh))
+bash (Bash.org quotes (-bash))
+horoscope (Your horoscope for the day (-horoscope))
+urbandict (Urban Dictionary (-udict))
+urltitle (Automatically show URL titles for posted URL's)
+bmotion (Bot AI the bot will have a conversation with your channel)
+google (Google to your own needs (-google))
+imdb (Check out information about a move (-imdb))
+googlescore (Shows googles score for <url> (-googlescore))
+grouphug (Adds grouphug to your channel (-gh))
+qb (Adds quotebucket to your channel (-qb))
+qb_announcenew (Automatically announces new approved quotebucket quotes)
Because that would be totally spiffy :V