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Thread: A Crazy Suggestion

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default A Crazy Suggestion

    I've had this idea for awhile and was going to be selfish but the hell with it. I was wondering if it was possible to have like a blowfish encrypted channel as a ChanMode option. (don't ask about what the syntax would be...) But this idea came to after thinking about an old FTP channel me and some friends used to run. (it was on Unreal, so bare with i guess) We had ChanModes +nrtmlik , but for some odd reason the older dudes figured that wasn't enough. They made all of us (about 40) to download FiSH, and enter a key to decrypt the bots commands and such. Rather complex but simple when you sit and think about it. The reason why I'm telling you all this is because I lack the programming skills to do it myself.

    I don't know, I come up with crazy shit sometimes. Just another one...

    ~pz Pain

  2. #2
    Rizon Staff Jason's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    Fish would not be something we would add a cmode for. As it stands you can use +S to ensure everyone in the room is on an ssl connection so they are secure. Then you can set fish on the room as well if you want and anyone without the key to the fish just sees random characters. A few staff rooms on Rizon are fish encrypted we don't need a mode for it though, if you don't have the key you simply can't understand what is being said.
    Rizon CEO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
    Fish would not be something we would add a cmode for. As it stands you can use +S to ensure everyone in the room is on an ssl connection so they are secure. Then you can set fish on the room as well if you want and anyone without the key to the fish just sees random characters. A few staff rooms on Rizon are fish encrypted we don't need a mode for it though, if you don't have the key you simply can't understand what is being said.
    Very much appreciate your help.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2011

    Smile wanna Share something

    I hv just recently bought a new home in UK . And you wounld not believe that they charged me almost nothing . It was an Estate agent . that was really a nice deal.

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