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Thread: How to put Rizon Webchat on your Site and increase Users.

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    Rizon Staff Jason's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default How to put Rizon Webchat on your Site and increase Users.

    For those of you who haven't seen our new webchat feel free to check it out at:

    How to add Rizon webchat to your site:
    As some of our users know we have been working with a new webchat and trying to add the things to it that have been requested. One of the big things we have worked on is making the webchat very easy to add to websites that our users may own. If you own a website and want to embed the webchat into your site its as simple as going to our embed information site and answering 4 questions about settings in which you want your webchat to have while being displayed on your site and then simply adding the webchat code that it gives you into your website. The site for this can be found at:

    Another new feature we have added to our webchat is themes, so far we have only added 4 themes but we do have many plans to add more as we try different coloring schemes and figure out what looks good. If you have any requests on coloring schemes you would like to see feel free to give us information and we will look into adding them. The different themes can be viewed here:





    Embedding Rizon Webchat on to your website is a great way not only to increase your channel userbase but to meet the average user that is using your website. This can tell you a lot about the type of people who visit the site and maybe what things they are interested in that you could improve on the site and increase traffic.

    Rizon has been asked are we going to be banning mibbit like many other networks have as of lately? No, we will not be banning mibbit users from Rizon, while we feel our qchat is far better and has many more coders working on it to add new things to it we will not deny access to mibbit users for that reason. But we do suggest that websites that have embedded mibbit at least look over our qchat and consider changing to it.

    One of our next goals for our webchat is to work on Nickserv registration and identify forms to make these easier for webchat users who are new to irc. We are fully open to any suggestions our users have and ask that if you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions that you post them here.

    Updates July 4th

    1. Added nick coloring. (Disabled by default).
    2. Nicklist is now bolded. (Looks better with themes).
    3. Added menu for halfops.
    4. Added nick validation.
    5. Added identify to nickserv on join.
    6. Added last position indicator.
    7. Added simple anti spam for, join #channel (eg: join #channel will /join #channel)
    8. /list is now showed in dedicated window. (Will sort it out nicer in next release).
    9. SSL version now running at

    Updates End

    If you have any questions or need any help at all getting our webchat to work on your site feel free to come to #Help on Rizon to receive live help support or you may post here on the forum in the help section. You can even use the webchat to visit the #help room just click the link below:

    Thank You
    -Rizon Staff
    Last edited by Jason; 07-04-2009 at 04:42 AM.
    Rizon CEO

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