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Thread: How to put webchat on your Site

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  1. #1
    Rizon Staff Jason's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default How to put webchat on your Site

    For those of you who haven't seen our webchat, feel free to check it out at:

    Adding webchat to your site is a great way to boost exposure of your channel(s), as well as meeting the average user that goes to your site. You can get to the embed creation wizard by clicking on the arrow button at the top left corner of the page, and clicking "Add webchat to your site".

    Because of the recent changes to webchat, you can now allow your users to use the current settings you have set. You could change any option available and have it saved for your users so they use the same specific options. For example, you could save your users from being hassled by the quit popup by hiding it. You can do this through the "Change options" step.
    For those that still remember the red.html blue.html etc color themes, you can use this function instead and bookmark it.

    Through the new update security of our webchat has also been ramped up. It also comes in a SSL version ( Whatever data you send will be encrypted through the entire process, so sensitive data like NickServ passwords are protected. Prior to the update data was only protected to the server running the webchat, but not to the IRC server.

    Although many networks have banned Mibbit, Rizon will not follow this path. Instead, we feel our webchat is much better, simpler and easier to use. So if you have an embed Mibbit client on your webpage, have a look at our webchat and consider using it instead.

    Our webchat also has a dedicated team of coders, and will turn to the needs and features users request.

    If you have any questions regarding our webchat, or are having trouble with any aspect of it, feel free to join #Help (you can click on it to join #Help via webchat!) or post in the Help section of these forums.

    For those interested in the code of Rizon's qwebirc, it's available at (note we don't run the stock version, we use our own modifications).
    Last edited by darkex; 11-16-2010 at 12:41 AM.
    Rizon CEO

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