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Thread: making a ban script on clirc

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default making a ban script on clirc

    hey guys,
    does anyonw know how to make a ban script on CLIRC.
    all i need is to know how to ban there host.

    could you help me?

  2. #2
    Member The Compiler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Winterthur (Switzerland)



    apparently, there seems to be the presets %NICK%, %CHAN%, %SERV% and %ME%, but not %HOST%.

    So you got only a few solutions:

    /mode %CHAN% +b %NICK%!*@*
    which would ban the nickname

    /cs BAN %CHAN% %NICK%
    which will ban whatever you've set as the bantype (see /cs help set bantype), but it won't work when you are not at least AOP/access 5 on the channel.

    However, I'll try to ask Cluster to implement %HOST%, so let's see what the future brings.

    I hope that cleared things up,

    Last edited by The Compiler; 11-04-2009 at 04:11 PM. Reason: whoops. /cs BAN %CHAN% %NICK%, not /cs %CHAN% BAN %NICK%. Thanks Holz.
    Everything is possible - you just need to know how.

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