I think something like ChanServ mlock would be nice, but for NickServ. You could use for example /ns mode +gp-x, then when you would identify, services would automatically set those modes.
I think something like ChanServ mlock would be nice, but for NickServ. You could use for example /ns mode +gp-x, then when you would identify, services would automatically set those modes.
Last edited by Rebel_n00b; 02-10-2010 at 09:52 PM.
I totally agree.
I also think we should have a channel mode to block ctcp's to channel and maybe unreals +G so I wouldnt even have to block bad language anymore in a channel it would just come up as <censored> and I can limit the botserv block list to the evaded words not the actual words
I have tons of suggestions lol
Usermode +g does not block messages (including CTCP requests) sent to channels.
yourname / blake
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I like that idea too.
As normal user I can say that it would be great![]()