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Thread: Downloading from Fserv

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Question Downloading from Fserv

    Hi, thanks for the good work always.
    How about someone nice can explain how to download from fserv? since xdcc is almost intuitive and i learnt it by myself.
    for example after searcing for the term "kannazuki" there are results from fservs. one is the following:
    PHP Code:
    <omar-romsFile Server Search  Found1 match(s) for: *kannazuki*. Current Server Status:«Sends1/1 Queues1/20» &#8212;I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—
    <omar-roms>  Found:0 Anime [CompletedWatched\Kannazuki no Miko [ZX] [Dual] [Eps12] Use the trigger:/ctcp omar-roms !Dual&SubAnime1
    -> [omar-roms] !DUAL&SUBANIME1 
    so i type next:
    PHP Code:
    /ctcp omar-roms !Dual&SubAnime1 
    opens a chat dcc session for me. which gives:

    PHP Code:
    <omar-roms> &#8212;I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 3.1 File Server with Advanced File Serving features.
    <omar-roms> -
    omar-romsInsta-Send is currently Enabled and set for files smaller then 48.8KB.
    omar-romsAnti-Camp is currently On
    <omar-romsCloneguard is currently On
    <omar-romsCTCP Triggers are currently Enabled
    <omar-roms> -
    omar-romsYou are visitor number3079
    <omar-roms> -
    omar-romsAccepted commands arecdlsdirreadgetstatswhosendsqueuesclr_queuesterms
    <omar-roms> For more info about these commandstype help.
    omar-roms> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    omar-romsBy Accepting this File Server Session you agree to any terms set by this servers administrator.
    omar-romsType terms to see what if any exist.
    omar-roms> -
    omar-roms> *********************** Top 5 Most Requested ***********************
    omar-roms>  [#1]  air_movie_[dual][acx][05b4f177].mkv  (2)
    <omar-roms>  [#2]  ponyo_on_the_cliff_by_the_sea_[sub][niizk].mkv  (2)
    <omar-roms>  [#3]  the_place_promised_in_our_early_days_[dual][a4e][b2b58e52].mkv  (2)
    <omar-roms>  [#4]  last_exile_[02]_luft_vanship_[dual][e-d][c32f8000].mkv  (2)
    <omar-roms>  [#5]  last_exile_[01]_first_move_[dual][e-d][a728c1f1].mkv  (2)
    <omar-roms> -
    omar-romsCurrent Queue Status:«1/20» Your Personal Queue Status:«0/
    <omar-roms> -
    omar-romsmIRC v6.35 File Server
    <omar-romsWelcomeGo to my HTTP server insteadIt has better download speed.
    <omar-romsThe above link is to my HTTP SERVER which has BETTER SPEED NO WAITING compare to my fserv.
    omar-romsMostly dual audio anime from [E-D] & othersSome are subThere are also TV shows.
    omar-roms> NEW files are added to the "z To Renamed & Move" folder until they are renamed and moved.
    omar-romsAll files are renamed but should be the last version.
    omar-romsSome series will get moved as I watch them to the watched folder.
    omar-roms> [\] 
    and whatever i typed afterwards didnt get me to anything.
    as i understanded ... i should browse folders through "CD". then request the file. How i'm doing it wrong here?

    and sorry if my English sucks i'm not a native speaker
    Last edited by durmush; 03-09-2010 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Exclamation FileServer Commands

    Once you've typed the fileserver command and a DCC Chat windows opens. Go to that window and type dir. This will show either the files or folders. If they are seperated into folders, type cd foldernamehere. Then type dir again. Once you see the files in the folder you want. Type: get [ACX]Evangelion_1.01_You_Are_[Not]_Alone_(R2)_[SaintDeath]_[CE205155].mkv
    The file will send right away or put you in a queue until a open send/slot if available. If you want to leave the folder your in type cd.. then dir again. Also, when you enter a fileserver, generally at the top if will tell you what fileserver commands are supported for that individual.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SSE View Post
    Once you've typed the fileserver command and a DCC Chat windows opens. Go to that window and type dir. This will show either the files or folders. If they are seperated into folders, type cd foldernamehere. Then type dir again. Once you see the files in the folder you want. Type: get [ACX]Evangelion_1.01_You_Are_[Not]_Alone_(R2)_[SaintDeath]_[CE205155].mkv
    The file will send right away or put you in a queue until a open send/slot if available. If you want to leave the folder your in type cd.. then dir again. Also, when you enter a fileserver, generally at the top if will tell you what fileserver commands are supported for that individual.
    Thanks for your reply SSE! I tried again and got it to work!
    Your help is most appreciated. <3

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