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Thread: I think I was abused by a channel/IRC Operator. What can I do?

  1. #1
    Rizon Staff guuchan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default I think I was abused by a channel/IRC Operator. What can I do?

    Q: A channel operator just abused me by kicking/banning me/removing my operator status/etc. Can I report that person?
    A: From the network's point of view, there is no such thing as "channel operator abuse". Channel operators can do whatever they deem fit in terms of channel moderation.

    Q: Does that mean there is nothing I can do about it?
    A: You can talk to the channel's founder. Please refer to this post.

    Q: The founder ignores me/I talked to the founder but it did not get resolved/I believe it would be useless to talk to the founder. What more can I do?
    A: Nothing. You might want to (and should if you are banned) just stay away from that channel. You can always find an alternative channel or create a new one yourself.

    Q: Someone claims that (s)he is an IRC Operator. How can I check if (s)he is one?
    A: Type this command:
    /whois Someone
    And if the messages returned contain the following line ({ } = optional):
    Someone is an IRC Operator {- *****}
    Then (s)he is an IRC Operator.

    Q: Someone is an IRC Operator and claims that (s)he is going to do *something* to me. What can I do?
    A: Unless you have broken our network's rule(s), you should not worry about it.

    Q: I think an IRC Operator just abused me!
    A: There is only one thing that the majority of IRC Operators (i.e. non-services staff) can do which will directly affect you, and that is /kill. If you did not get killed, it is most likely that no abuse has been involved.

    Q: What is "non-services staff"? How many kinds of IRC Operators are there and what can they do?
    A: There are roughly five levels of IRC Operators:

    Non-Services Staff
    Server Operator
    How to tell?
    • "/whois nick" shows: nick is an IRC Operator
    • "/msg NickServ info nick" does not show: -NickServ- nick is a services *****

    What can they do that might affect you?
    • See users' IPs
    • Issue /kill

    Server Administrator
    How to tell?
    • "/whois nick" shows: nick is an IRC Operator - Server Administrator
    • "/msg NickServ info nick" does not show: -NickServ- nick is a services *****

    What can they do that might affect you?
    • See +s channels that other users are in

    Services Staff
    Services Operator
    How to tell?
    • "/whois nick" shows: nick is an IRC Operator {- Server Administrator} ({ } = optional)
    • "/msg NickServ info nick" shows: -NickServ- nick is a services operator.

    What can they do that might affect you?
    • See all the information of registered nicks (i.e. /msg NickServ info nick all)
    • See all the information of registered channels (i.e. /msg ChanServ info #channel all)
    • Set any mode on any channel
    • Kick any user (with few exceptions) on any channel
    • Suspend/Unsuspend nick/channel
    • See what users are from a certain IP
    • Add/Remove AKill (i.e. global K-line)
    • Modify session limits
    • Set/Unset vhost

    Services Administrator
    How to tell?
    • "/whois nick" shows: nick is an IRC Operator {- Server Administrator} ({ } = optional)
    • "/msg NickServ info nick" shows: -NickServ- nick is a services admin.

    What can they do that might affect you? They include but not limited to:

    • Modify any setting of any nick/channel
    • Freeze/Defreeze nick/channel
    • Forbid/Unforbid nick/channel
    • Drop any nick or channel
    • Send global message to all users
    • Make Services ignore nicks/hosts

    Services Root Administrator/Network Administrator
    How to tell?
    • "/whois nick" shows: nick is an IRC Operator - Network Administrator
    • "/msg NickServ info nick" shows: -NickServ- nick is a services root administrator.

    What can they do that might affect you?
    • Too many to list. Basically things you can and can't imagine

    Q: After reading through all the Q&As above, I believe I was abused by an IRC Operator. What can I do?
    A: If you are banned from the network, submit a ticket at; if you are on the network, report your case in #abuse (not #help or #services).

    Q: I am told that I was not abused but I still think I was!
    A: You are starting to imagine things. You might want to leave your computer for a while and get some fresh air outside.
    Last edited by darkex; 05-31-2012 at 05:23 AM.

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