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Thread: Windows Vista Problem

  1. #11
    Member karim's Avatar
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    First of all who said i have vista oh? wait you just assume i have it because
    and second the constantly accessing the Hard drive has stopped.

    It was a few files that that had been running when i deleted them and that was that
    All that happens now is when you bootup you just get a warning saying that there an
    error with a file, still it's working good and also is a lot faster.
    But i think it's something to do with installing and uninstalling application.

    others think it's the programs that came with the computer package.

    Whos the smart one Now...
    Last edited by karim; 09-17-2008 at 09:05 AM.

  2. #12
    Rizon Staff mink's Avatar
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    If its a new install, its the OS indexing itself for faster search stuff.
    Shocking..... that MS would require a clean install of Vista to index itself as if it didn't know what files it installed, but i've heard the process can take up to 3 days.
    ~ mink / B
    Rizon Senior Network Administrator

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by mink View Post
    Shocking..... that MS would require a clean install of Vista to index itself as if it didn't know what files it installed, but i've heard the process can take up to 3 days.
    To be honest, I'd prefer fast install and HDD going wild for the next 2-3 days, if the alternative is a slow installation taking 2-3 hours - just because I need the system up and running ASAP, and the indexing process doesn't really annoy me since it stays at the lowest priority possible.
    Remember: when a flat-chested girl hugs you, she's holding you closer to her heart.

  4. #14


    If its search indexing...

    (1) Open the "Indexing Options" applet in the Control Panel and:
    (2) Click the "Advanced" tab
    (3) Click on "File Types" and select/deselect indexing services or Click
    "Modify" to include/exclude folder indexing.

    shamelessly ripped from someplace that i cant remember.

    Additionally... Vista x64 rocks. Can't really speak to x86, since I haven't ever used it.
    frosty jack, Rizon EB

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by NiTeMaRe View Post
    you don't and not updating windows is stupid on your part thats asking for aids for your computer.
    yep, if you don't do the updates you need - you're gonna end up with a totally fucked computer. I advice you to do every update when they're available. Don't hesitate to install them.

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  6. #16
    Member karim's Avatar
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    You got a point there.

    What about the impacent people who can't wait for the updates to get downloaded and then wait for them to install which roughly take about 30 minutes which is half your life wasted away because of updating.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Anniie View Post
    yep, if you don't do the updates you need - you're gonna end up with a totally fucked computer. I advice you to do every update when they're available. Don't hesitate to install them.
    I go months without updating my computers...

    frosty jack, Rizon EB

  8. #18


    Of course it's different from computer to computer, but I've had this shitty computer since 2004 and it's really really fragile. So updates are like sex to my computer. =p

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  9. #19
    Member karim's Avatar
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    This is how you install Windows vista in two minutes, no joke.

    It's really awesome must watch for everone!.

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