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Thread: [Help] No idea why my script is not working

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default [Help] No idea why my script is not working

    Ok so here's the deal.
    In the IRC channel I'm in I'm running an online radio for the community and wanted to run an IRC bot on my dedicated server.
    This bot should:
    - Alter the topic
    - Announce what songs are played
    - Provide links to the playlist

    And here is my problem.
    If I run this bot on my own pc it works like a charm, but I want it to be in the channel 24/7 so I installed mIRC on my dedi and simply copy/pasted the bot script onto my dedi.
    And what do u think happens? The bot doesn't seem to work at all on my dedi.
    Not getting any errors either.

    I'm clueless o_O

    ; This code is released under the public domain.
    ;;                 ;; 
    ;;                 ;;
    alias sc_cfg {
      ; website URL
      ; stream url (without http:// or trailing slash)
      set %stream.url
      ; radio stations name
      set aRev Radio
      ; port that the server runs on
      set %stream.port 54866
      ; admin username (usually admin)
      set %stream.user xxxxxx
      ; admin password
      set %stream.adpass xxxxxxx
      ; dj password
      set %stream.djpass xxxxxxx
      ; manage topic (1 is on, 0 is off)
      set 1
      ; announce new song (1 is on, 0 is off)
      set %cfg.ann 1
      ; bots nick
      set %irc.nick aRev|Radio
      ; bots alt nick
      set %irc.anick aRev|Radio
      ; bots username
      set %irc.user aRev|Radio
      ; bots realname
      set aRev|Radio
      ; irc server
      set %irc.server
      ; irc port (prepend + for SSL servers)
      set %irc.port 6668
      ; irc channel
      set %irc.chan #alterRevolution
      ; NickServ password
      set %irc.pass xxxxxxxx
    ; channel topic format
    alias sc.topic { return Official IRC Chat of alterRevolution -  -  SUBSCRIBE - $chr(124) Current DJ: $iif(%sc.status == 1,,None) $chr(124) }
    ; song announce format
    alias sc.ann { return (*** is playing ***) (*** type !tune to tune in! ***) }
    ;;                ;;
    ;;  ON FUNCTIONS  ;;
    ;;                ;;
    on *:start: {
      ; set variables
      ; connect to server
      server %irc.server %irc.port -i %irc.nick %irc.anick %irc.user
    on *:notice:*This nickname is registered and protected.*:*: { .msg NickServ IDENTIFY %irc.pass }
    on *:notice:*Password accepted - you are now recognized.*:*: { .join %irc.chan }
    on *:join:%irc.chan: { $iif($nick == $me, .timercon 0 10 sc_con) }
    on *:disconnect: { .timers off }
    on *:kick:%irc.chan: { $iif($knick == $me, timers off) }
    on *:part:%irc.chan: { $iif($nick == $me, timers off) }
    ;;               ;;
    ;;  SC COMMANDS  ;;
    ;;               ;;
    ; connect to shoutcast server
    alias sc_con {
      if ($sock(sc).to == $null) { sockopen sc %stream.url %stream.port  }
      elseif ($sock(sc).to > 8) { sockclose sc | sockopen sc %stream.url %stream.port }
    ; kick dj
    alias sc_kick { sockopen sckick %stream.url %stream.port }
    ; topic change
    alias sc_topic { if ( == 1) { topic %irc.chan $sc.topic } }
    ; song announce
    alias sc_msg { if (%cfg.ann == 1) { msg %irc.chan $sc.ann } }
    ; send error message to user
    alias sc_errmsg {
      if ($1 == op) { msg $2 You must have @ (operator) status to use this. }
      if ($1 == offline) { msg $2 The stream is currently offline. }
    ; filters characters back from html ascii codes
    alias sc_filter { return $replace($1-, &#x26 $+ $chr(59), $chr(38), &#x27 $+ $chr(59), $chr(39)) }
    ;;                ;;
    ;;  @OP TRIGGERS  ;;
    ;;                ;;
    ; !cycle: bot /cycles in channel
    on *:text:!cycle:%irc.chan: {
      if ($nick isop %irc.chan) { hop %irc.chan }
      else { sc_errmsg op $nick }
    ; !info: sends the required dj information
    on *:text:!info:%irc.chan: {
      if ($nick isop %irc.chan) {
        msg $nick host: %stream.url port: %stream.port pass: %stream.djpass
        msg $nick description: url: aim: Use your DJ name irc: %irc.chan
      else { sc_errmsg op $nick }
    ; !kickdj: kicks current dj
    on *:text:!kickdj:%irc.chan: {
      if ($nick isop %irc.chan) { sc_kick | msg %irc.chan Kicking current DJ.. }
      else { sc_errmsg op $nick }
    ;;                 ;;
    ;;  USER TRIGGERS  ;;
    ;;                 ;;
    ; !dj: sends active dj
    on *:text:!dj:%irc.chan: {
      if (%sc.status == 1) { msg $chan Current DJ: }
      else { sc_errmsg offline $nick }
    ; !song: sends the current song
    on *:text:!song:%irc.chan: {
      if (%sc.status == 1) { msg $chan Playing: }
      else { sc_errmsg offline $nick }
    on *:text:!tune:%irc.chan: { msg $chan Tune in at: http:// $+ %stream.url $+ : $+ %stream.port $+ /listen.pls }
    on *:text:!url:%irc.chan: { msg $chan Tune in at: http:// $+ %stream.url $+ : $+ %stream.port $+ /listen.pls }
    on *:text:!listen:%irc.chan: { msg $chan Tune in at: http:// $+ %stream.url $+ : $+ %stream.port $+ /listen.pls }
    ;;                ;;
    ;;  KICK SOCKETS  ;;
    ;;                ;;
    on *:sockopen:sckick: {
      sockwrite -nt sckick GET /admin.cgi?mode=kicksrc HTTP/1.0
      sockwrite -nt sckick User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
      sockwrite -nt sckick Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html
      sockwrite -nt sckick Authorization: Basic $encode(%stream.user $+ : $+ %stream.adpass, m)
      sockwrite -nt sckick $crlf
    on *:sockread:sckick: {
      sockread -fn %tmp
      if (HTTP/1.0 302 Found isin %tmp) { msg %irc.chan ..DJ was successfully kicked. }
    ;;               ;;
    ;;  XML SOCKETS  ;;
    ;;               ;;
    on *:sockopen:sc: {
      sockwrite -nt sc GET /admin.cgi?mode=viewxml HTTP/1.0
      sockwrite -nt sc User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
      sockwrite -nt sc Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html
      sockwrite -nt sc Authorization: Basic $encode(%stream.user $+ : $+ %stream.adpass, m)
      sockwrite -nt sc $crlf
    on *:sockread:sc: {
      sockread -fn %xml
      ; assign variable in proper order, halt reading, scan info, relay, garbage collection!
      if (<?xml isin %xml) { set %a $mid(%xml,2033,$len(%xml)) }
      elseif (> isin %xml) { set %a %a $+ %xml }
      if (</SHOUTCASTSERVER> isin %a) {
        unset %xml
        ; dj
        var %z $sc_filter($left($gettok($replace(%a, <AIM>, $chr(189), </AIM>, $chr(189)),2,189),$len($gettok($replace(%a, <AIM>, $chr(189), </AIM>, $chr(189)),2,189))))
        if (%z != && ( { set %z | sc_topic }
        else { set %z }
        ; status
        var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <STREAMSTATUS>, $chr(189), </STREAMSTATUS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
        if (%z != %sc.status) && (%sc.status) { set %sc.status %z | sc_topic }
        else { set %sc.status %z }
        ; current listeners
        var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <CURRENTLISTENERS>, $chr(189), </CURRENTLISTENERS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
        set %sc.clisten %z
        ; peak listeners
        var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <PEAKLISTENERS>, $chr(189), </PEAKLISTENERS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
        set %sc.plisten %z
        ; max listeners
        var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <MAXLISTENERS>, $chr(189), </MAXLISTENERS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
        set %sc.mlisten %z
        ; genre
        var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <SERVERGENRE>, $chr(189), </SERVERGENRE>, $chr(189)),2,189)
        set %sc.genre %z
        ; song title
        var %z $sc_filter($left($gettok($replace(%a, <SONGTITLE>, $chr(189), </SONGTITLE>, $chr(189)),2,189),$len($gettok($replace(%a, <SONGTITLE>, $chr(189), </SONGTITLE>, $chr(189)),2,189))))
        if (%z != { set %z | sc_msg }
        unset %a

  2. #2
    Senior Member escnuk3r's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    When running it from your pc is it windows? Second is your dedicated server linux or windows? Also what is the name of the script you are running?
    Server Admin

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    My home PC runs on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    My server runs on Windows Web Server 2008 R2

    The name of the script is mIRC Shoutcast Bot V1.3

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