Ok so here's the deal.
In the IRC channel I'm in I'm running an online radio for the community and wanted to run an IRC bot on my dedicated server.
This bot should:
- Alter the topic
- Announce what songs are played
- Provide links to the playlist

And here is my problem.
If I run this bot on my own pc it works like a charm, but I want it to be in the channel 24/7 so I installed mIRC on my dedi and simply copy/pasted the bot script onto my dedi.
And what do u think happens? The bot doesn't seem to work at all on my dedi.
Not getting any errors either.

I'm clueless o_O

; This code is released under the public domain.

;;                 ;; 
;;                 ;;

alias sc_cfg {

  ; website URL
  set %stream.site http://free.freeshoutcast.com:54866

  ; stream url (without http:// or trailing slash)
  set %stream.url free.freeshoutcast.com

  ; radio stations name
  set %stream.name aRev Radio

  ; port that the server runs on
  set %stream.port 54866

  ; admin username (usually admin)
  set %stream.user xxxxxx

  ; admin password
  set %stream.adpass xxxxxxx

  ; dj password
  set %stream.djpass xxxxxxx


  ; manage topic (1 is on, 0 is off)
  set %cfg.top 1

  ; announce new song (1 is on, 0 is off)
  set %cfg.ann 1


  ; bots nick
  set %irc.nick aRev|Radio

  ; bots alt nick
  set %irc.anick aRev|Radio

  ; bots username
  set %irc.user aRev|Radio

  ; bots realname
  set %irc.name aRev|Radio

  ; irc server
  set %irc.server irc.rizon.net

  ; irc port (prepend + for SSL servers)
  set %irc.port 6668

  ; irc channel
  set %irc.chan #alterRevolution

  ; NickServ password
  set %irc.pass xxxxxxxx

; channel topic format
alias sc.topic { return Official IRC Chat of alterRevolution - http://alterrev.net  -  SUBSCRIBE  http://www.youtube.com/user/alterRevolutionTeam - %stream.name $chr(124) Current DJ: $iif(%sc.status == 1,%sc.dj,None) $chr(124) %stream.site }

; song announce format
alias sc.ann { return (*** %sc.dj is playing %sc.song ***) (*** type !tune to tune in! ***) }

;;                ;;
;;                ;;

on *:start: {

  ; set variables

  ; connect to server
  server %irc.server %irc.port -i %irc.nick %irc.anick %irc.user %irc.name


on *:notice:*This nickname is registered and protected.*:*: { .msg NickServ IDENTIFY %irc.pass }

on *:notice:*Password accepted - you are now recognized.*:*: { .join %irc.chan }

on *:join:%irc.chan: { $iif($nick == $me, .timercon 0 10 sc_con) }

on *:disconnect: { .timers off }

on *:kick:%irc.chan: { $iif($knick == $me, timers off) }

on *:part:%irc.chan: { $iif($nick == $me, timers off) }

;;               ;;
;;               ;;

; connect to shoutcast server
alias sc_con {
  if ($sock(sc).to == $null) { sockopen sc %stream.url %stream.port  }
  elseif ($sock(sc).to > 8) { sockclose sc | sockopen sc %stream.url %stream.port }

; kick dj
alias sc_kick { sockopen sckick %stream.url %stream.port }

; topic change
alias sc_topic { if (%cfg.top == 1) { topic %irc.chan $sc.topic } }

; song announce
alias sc_msg { if (%cfg.ann == 1) { msg %irc.chan $sc.ann } }

; send error message to user
alias sc_errmsg {
  if ($1 == op) { msg $2 You must have @ (operator) status to use this. }
  if ($1 == offline) { msg $2 The stream is currently offline. }

; filters characters back from html ascii codes
alias sc_filter { return $replace($1-, &#x26 $+ $chr(59), $chr(38), &#x27 $+ $chr(59), $chr(39)) }

;;                ;;
;;  @OP TRIGGERS  ;;
;;                ;;

; !cycle: bot /cycles in channel
on *:text:!cycle:%irc.chan: {
  if ($nick isop %irc.chan) { hop %irc.chan }
  else { sc_errmsg op $nick }

; !info: sends the required dj information
on *:text:!info:%irc.chan: {
  if ($nick isop %irc.chan) {
    msg $nick host: %stream.url port: %stream.port pass: %stream.djpass
    msg $nick description: %stream.name url: %stream.site aim: Use your DJ name irc: %irc.chan
  else { sc_errmsg op $nick }

; !kickdj: kicks current dj
on *:text:!kickdj:%irc.chan: {
  if ($nick isop %irc.chan) { sc_kick | msg %irc.chan Kicking current DJ.. }
  else { sc_errmsg op $nick }

;;                 ;;
;;                 ;;

; !dj: sends active dj
on *:text:!dj:%irc.chan: {
  if (%sc.status == 1) { msg $chan Current DJ: %sc.dj }
  else { sc_errmsg offline $nick }

; !song: sends the current song
on *:text:!song:%irc.chan: {
  if (%sc.status == 1) { msg $chan Playing: %sc.song }
  else { sc_errmsg offline $nick }

on *:text:!tune:%irc.chan: { msg $chan Tune in at: http:// $+ %stream.url $+ : $+ %stream.port $+ /listen.pls }
on *:text:!url:%irc.chan: { msg $chan Tune in at: http:// $+ %stream.url $+ : $+ %stream.port $+ /listen.pls }
on *:text:!listen:%irc.chan: { msg $chan Tune in at: http:// $+ %stream.url $+ : $+ %stream.port $+ /listen.pls }

;;                ;;
;;                ;;

on *:sockopen:sckick: {
  sockwrite -nt sckick GET /admin.cgi?mode=kicksrc HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -nt sckick User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
  sockwrite -nt sckick Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html
  sockwrite -nt sckick Authorization: Basic $encode(%stream.user $+ : $+ %stream.adpass, m)
  sockwrite -nt sckick $crlf

on *:sockread:sckick: {
  sockread -fn %tmp
  if (HTTP/1.0 302 Found isin %tmp) { msg %irc.chan ..DJ was successfully kicked. }

;;               ;;
;;               ;;

on *:sockopen:sc: {
  sockwrite -nt sc GET /admin.cgi?mode=viewxml HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -nt sc User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
  sockwrite -nt sc Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html
  sockwrite -nt sc Authorization: Basic $encode(%stream.user $+ : $+ %stream.adpass, m)
  sockwrite -nt sc $crlf

on *:sockread:sc: {
  sockread -fn %xml

  ; assign variable in proper order, halt reading, scan info, relay, garbage collection!
  if (<?xml isin %xml) { set %a $mid(%xml,2033,$len(%xml)) }
  elseif (> isin %xml) { set %a %a $+ %xml }

  if (</SHOUTCASTSERVER> isin %a) {

    unset %xml

    ; dj
    var %z $sc_filter($left($gettok($replace(%a, <AIM>, $chr(189), </AIM>, $chr(189)),2,189),$len($gettok($replace(%a, <AIM>, $chr(189), </AIM>, $chr(189)),2,189))))
    if (%z != %sc.dj) && (%sc.dj) { set %sc.dj %z | sc_topic }
    else { set %sc.dj %z }

    ; status
    var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <STREAMSTATUS>, $chr(189), </STREAMSTATUS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
    if (%z != %sc.status) && (%sc.status) { set %sc.status %z | sc_topic }
    else { set %sc.status %z }

    ; current listeners
    var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <CURRENTLISTENERS>, $chr(189), </CURRENTLISTENERS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
    set %sc.clisten %z

    ; peak listeners
    var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <PEAKLISTENERS>, $chr(189), </PEAKLISTENERS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
    set %sc.plisten %z

    ; max listeners
    var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <MAXLISTENERS>, $chr(189), </MAXLISTENERS>, $chr(189)),2,189)
    set %sc.mlisten %z

    ; genre
    var %z $gettok($replace(%a, <SERVERGENRE>, $chr(189), </SERVERGENRE>, $chr(189)),2,189)
    set %sc.genre %z

    ; song title
    var %z $sc_filter($left($gettok($replace(%a, <SONGTITLE>, $chr(189), </SONGTITLE>, $chr(189)),2,189),$len($gettok($replace(%a, <SONGTITLE>, $chr(189), </SONGTITLE>, $chr(189)),2,189))))
    if (%z != %sc.song) { set %sc.song %z | sc_msg }

    unset %a