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Thread: #/padt/

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Thumbs down #/padt/

    I've looked at some of the /padt/ (stands for Pokémon anime discussion thread) that previously happened when the Pokémon anime is on break, and I realized that it becomes nothing but shitposting, shipwars and genwars, especially over Amour, Serena and XY (Evidence here WIP: and people rarely to never talk about the upcoming anime episodes. I know I'm banned 'til Jan 2, 2022 01:31AM mountain time, but in hopes that people from 4chan, /vp/ and /padt/ see this, I'd like to point out that it's much better if /padt/ is active with the airings of the Pokémon anime and not on break weeks. It's better to make the /padt/ threads when the anime is airing rather than /padt/ being made on breaks.

    Edit: New channel. /join #/padt/ [password]
    Last edited by SoupSparrow; 12-28-2021 at 09:41 PM.

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