So guys, we want to hear your thoughts about this channel. Ideas, comments, suggestions, hate mail. Post them here.
So guys, we want to hear your thoughts about this channel. Ideas, comments, suggestions, hate mail. Post them here.
Long live forced rejoin!
So I've stated my opinions in channel before, but now the rest of the world can see and laugh at my ideas.
- Random half hour of freedom. "Freedom Hour" sounds better than "Freedom Half Hour," but meh. The time should be long enough so that the channel really does keep people in, but yet short enough so people have a chance to leave if they really can't take it.
- When people get devoiced for flooding, if they voluntarily rejoin the channel in the freedom hour, the -1 access is removed. Otherwise, don't let flooding devoices get removed until either a week, or the access list gets filled (unless someone abuses one of my triggers, then let me talk again
- This would be a bit trickier, but a mode would be nice to server side ignore the part and forced rejoin. While this could be client side scripted, and a decent IRC client shouldn't have a problem with the many rejoins, mIRC is notoriously laggy at times like this (although, I'm glad I'm not on mIRC for netsplits)
- Its a trap channel... so you need a list of randomly changing key words that cause users to get kicked. Once a word gets used three times though, it should be changed, or it makes it to easy to get out
- Voting off the island! I don't know what the vote count should be, but there are those who are just so annoying it is better to vote out than ignore
I may come up with more at some other point
It'S total rubbish.. it annoys people.. and I'd end it. Or let people end their membership.. I don't get how admins could come with something like that![]()
Honest truth below:
- Human nature is to do stupid things: aknowledgement of the unknown is the first cause of such behaviour.
Therefore everyone who is tricked in joining OR joins because are just super curious NEED to be trapped.
If they really, really, really want to part the channel for some reason or another they must be given the rights to do so.
I love the channel.
Just hide join/parts cllientside, and you will be fine.
paypal $10 and ill kick you ;D
Server Administrator
Services Administrator
Lol, I dont think anyone will pay you anything KillaH. Anyway, I like it, although a lot of people are complaining about it in #help, that's quite annoying :[