Quote Originally Posted by Locotes View Post
Seriously, what's the problem? It says Dont join, it's a trap! The people who join know that something will happen, so they have to live with the consequences imo. And it's not a punishment to be in there, I like it. And like SecretAgent said, I laugh about the people who get angry because they can't leave, so yeah, I dont see what the problem really is.
I think you misunderstood my post. If you take pleasure in watching other users intentionally be bullied / abused (yes, I'm using that term loosely here), then kudos to you I suppose -- though I think that's rather sad.

You can cry all you want about the channel's name being a clue not to join, but we all know that's exactly why users do join. Add in the multiple global notices, and yes, it's quite clear the sole purpose of the channel was to simply piss off users -- you know, those people who connect to Rizon to have a good time. That's what I, and others see as the problem.

Then again, will this reply change anything? Most likely not, because as you've stated yourself, you take pleasure in watching these pissed off, irritated users -- as no doubt those who created the channel do to.