If you have any suggestions to the radio, please do not hesitate to post them here in this thread. =]
If you have any suggestions to the radio, please do not hesitate to post them here in this thread. =]
It can be benificial to the channel to allow serving of music. A few days prior to this post i was trying to find a music serving channel and i cant, im not to sure if there are any either that are as well known as a regular serving channel say #Nipponsei. So id gather that serving music and playing music go hand in hand. I dont know what your stance on this is but it would:
*bring more people to the channeljust though it worth considering.
*may increase listinership
*aid is searching for music, requesting, etc..
*it would give the djs more options (they could serv or leach songs to play)
*serving wouldnt interfare with the main chan because its triggered
Wonderfull! isnt it?
Thanks for your reply.
*bring more people to the channel
Having loads of people in the channel does not do much. Seeing as we're around 100 people and only a tiny amount listens. Bringing people to the channel is fine enough as it is, though we are working on trying to sort out more LISTENERS and uh, honestly. There's no point with tons of IDLERS if only a few will listen. This is why we're working on getting our current nick list to actually listen to the music and not just idle.
I'm unsure what you mean with your other stuff. But we are not gonna 'interfere' with Nipponsei other than us playing their music which gives them a sort of promotion on Rizon since a lot people ask about the anime music. But this is of course up to each DJ to decide whether they wanna play Nipponsei's music or not.
We're a radio station, not a warez channel. =p
We're currently in a process of recruiting more DJs for the radio to make it stay online as much as possible.
In other words, things are being worked on.
Last edited by Annie; 05-06-2009 at 06:09 PM. Reason: double post and shit
[long post - readwith throaght wetting utility]
I wasn't suggesting interfering with #nipp. i was only using it as an example of a channel that is popular for what it does, i.e anime serving.
I was suggesting though that there aught to be a home of sorts for music and it struck me that since rizon.fm plays music that it would make the ideal channel to mix both streaming and fileserving.
Why? because nearly all of he persons that are on this network seem intrested in some way in finding and downloading music or video. Those are the types of persons that makeup this network's captive audience, its what makes it different from chat based Dalnet for example, so if users can't find a little of what there looking for in any channel there on it may be difficult to keep them intrested.
Im assuming that like myself if i hear a dj playing a song i like, I also want to get it. Perhaps this idea would be limited to Dj's if the focus of the chan remaining mainly radio. Just an option to increase intrest in the idlers. The addition of web playlists that doubble as serving lists could generate intrest as well. Requesting would be very popular. Thers a plugin for this on icecast site.
you said something about promotion for other channels, I was actually thinking perhaps rizon.fm could talk with the others channels in allowing a bot that advertises the stream when users do a !list if the channel owners are opposed to an in channel ad. I mean if this is a network station perhaps like the Limitbot system there could be a Radio bot system.
[if the network is not getting into serving because of legality issues plz disregard what ive said thus far]
Wonderfull! isnt it?
Thanks again for your input!
Unfortunately we don't have any sources requires for such file serving of the music..
Sure there is LimitServ etc, which is great. I do love your idea about the Rizon announcement, but the problem is that people get sick of it eventually. If we kept spamming it they'd just ignore it eventually. Look at our global announcements. They've been abused so much that barely anyone reads it/cares about it.
Schedule specific genre nights. People would be more inclined to join if they knew what was going to be played weekly.
[long post - readwith throaght wetting utility]
good point Raldios. a schedule of sorts would help, even if all the slots are not filled. As it is right now (i may be wrong) but there's no way to identify who's going to be on and at what time let alone the genre.
I'd love to lets say do a !schedule (unfortunately requires a bot) command in channel or a simple trip to the site. This feature would give the site more activity.
I haven't noticed mention of the forum address in the topic or on join notice. personally i find having as much usable info in these two places helps a whole lot especially when i can just click them and away i go. no browsing and searching for a url in history or favorites/bookmarks.
btw the new web design is great. from a designers prespective you should colour your topic in the same/similar scheme as the website. the colours are strong.
i'm definitley an advocate of the announcement feature for now playing music because it generates intrest even if one isnt or cant listen. Id say it may persuade persons to tune in. While being slightly annoying it is a radio channel so its should be expected.
Wonderfull! isnt it?