- removes quote bot from given channel, all quotes for channel are removed.
Quotes commands:
.quote add - adds given quote to database, must have voice or higher on channel.
.quote del - removes quote number from database, must be channel founder.
.quote search - searches database for given word.
.quote read - messages quote matching given number.
.quote random - messages a random quote.
.quote total - messages number of quotes in database.
More information on Quotes Feature at http://www.rizon.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=940
LimitServ: /msg funserv request LimitServ - adds limit bot to given channel, will set and update channel limit to prevent join floods.
LimitServ: /msg funserv remove LimitServ - removes limit bot from given channel.
More information on LimitServ at http://www.rizon.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=981
Internets: /msg funserv request Internets - adds Internets bot to given channel.
Internets: /msg funserv remove Internets - removes Internets bot from given channel.
Internets commands:
.google - returns top matches from google.
.bash - returns random bash quote.
.bash search - returns bash quote numbers matching given search term.
.bash - returns bash quote matching given number.
.qdb - returns random qdb quote.
.qdb search - returns qdb quote numbers matching given search term.
.qdb - returns qdb quote matching given number.
.urban - returns urban dictionaries definition if one exists for given word.
.urban [number] - returns urban dictionaries [number] definition if it exists for given word.
.fml - returns random fml quote.
.fml - returns fml quote matching given number.
.weather - returns current condition for given location, if found.
.translate - translates given text.
.help translate - for a list of supported languages and their language codes.
More information on Internets bot at http://www.rizon.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=1403