e-Sim, a popular web based strategy game similar to eRepublik, is now supported on Rizon with its very own custom e-Sim bot that any channel can use.
To have e-Sim join/part your channel:
/msg e-Sim request #channelname
/msg e-Sim remove #channelname
Important note: You must have founder access.
The following comments are currently implemented:
- companies link to the citizen company page
- donate link to the donation page of a citizen
- fightcalc (fc) calculates influence done with different weapon qualities
- help Displays available commands and their usage
- highlight (hl) highlights all the nicks in the channel (limited to channel ops, admins and founders)
- info Displays version and author information
- link return a link to the target citizen's profile
- lookup (lp) shows useful data about the citizen
- message (igm) link to send a message to a citizen
- region information about a region
- register_citizen (regnick, regcit) links an e-Sim citizen to an IRC nickname
Note: You can type .help <command name> for detailed information.
.companies: link to the citizen company page
Usage: .companies [-i] [-n] [argument]
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
--nick (-n) look up by irc nick
.donate: link to the donation page of a citizen
Usage: .donate [-i] [-n] [argument]
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
--nick (-n) look up by irc nick
.fightcalc: calculates influence done with different weapon qualities
Usage: .fightcalc [-i] [-n] [-s strength] [-r rank] [-b] [-d defense_system] [-m mu_bonus] [-u] [-f fights] [-o objective] [argument]
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
--nick (-n) look up by irc nick
--strength (-s) uses a custom strength
--rank (-r) uses a custom military rank (use rank ID, not name)
--region_bonus (-b) adds region bonus influence (20%)
--defense_system (-d) adds defense system bonus influence
--mu_bonus (-m) adds military unit bonus influence
--surrounded (-u) applies the surrounded debuff
--fights (-f) specifies number of fights
--objective (-o) calculates how many fights are required to make a given amount of influence
.highlight: highlights all the nicks in the channel (limited to channel ops, admins and founders)
Usage: .highlight [optional_message]
.info: Displays version and author information
Usage: .info
.link: return a link to the target citizen's profile
Usage: .link [-i] [-n] [argument]
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
--nick (-n) look up by irc nick
.lookup: shows useful data about the citizen
Usage: .lookup [-i] [-n] [argument]
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
--nick (-n) look up by irc nick
.message: link to send a message to a citizen
Usage: .message [-i] [-n] [argument]
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
--nick (-n) look up by irc nick
.region: information about a region
Usage: .region [-i] argument
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
.register_citizen: links an e-Sim citizen to an IRC nickname
Usage: .register_citizen [-i] citizen_name
--id (-i) look up by id instead of name
Read about this first version at:
The e-Sim bot comes after many hours of hard work by Digital_Lemon and other Rizon development team & QA. If you're interested in helping out with Rizon development projects please see us in #dev.