<Trivia> 11. Religion : To which city did the Lord tell Jonah to go and denounce its citizens wickedness?
<Silverheart> jerusalem
<Ratburntro44> umm
<Trivia> Hint: he tried to flee ** ***** ******* *** *** ********* ** *** ************
<Ratburntro44> wtf
<Different55> what the crap
<Silverheart> nope
<MrClassico> oh for ****'s sake
<Silverheart> nope
<Vladi> no way :D
<Ratburntro44> that's not a city
<Silverheart> nope
<Trivia> Hint: he tried to flee to spain in***** *** *** ********* ** *** ************
<Ratburntro44> stfu trivia
<Ratburntro44> no
<Ratburntro44> you're stupid
<Vladi> .next
<MrClassico> can't skip
<Different55> he tried to flee to spain invading the wat slapstick in the patriarchy
<Trivia> Hint: he tried to flee to spain in***** *** *** ********* ** *** *****nineveh
<Different55> he tried to flee to spain instead 
<Ratburntro44> trivia you're an idiot
<Trivia> Time's up! The answer was: he tried to flee to spain instead and was swallowed by the whalenineveh
I'm not sure if this actually needs to be corrected because this was hilarious.