Well you can use /who #channel to get all users in #channel
[22:11]»» #ghey ChanStat chanstat.net * ChanStat Hr@ :0 ChanStat channel logging bot
[22:11]»» #ghey ~yolo yolo.yolo * yolo Hr& :0 /invite #chan yolo
[22:11]»» #ghey UNOBot play.uno.with.me * UNOBot Hr@ :0 Official Rizon UNOBot
[22:11]»» #ghey esim e-sim.org * e-Sim Hr*% :0 eSim
[22:11]»» #ghey erepublik erepublik.rizon.net * eRepublik Hr*% :0 eRepublik
[22:11]»» #ghey internets services.rizon.net * Internets Hr*% :0 Network Services Bot
[22:11]»» #ghey trivia trivia.rizon.net * Trivia Hr*% :0 Trivia
[22:11]»» #ghey quotes quotes.rizon.net * Quotes Hr*% :0 Quotes
[22:11]»» #ghey me your.window * |f`-`|f H& :0 stalking is just another way of saying I <3 U
[22:11]»» #ghey m gic.helpstaff.rizon.net * MAGIC Hr~ :0 2Nice /whois
[22:11]»» #ghey :End of /WHO list.
The first field is the current channel, ident, host, nickname. Status indicates if a user is “H”ere or “G”one, if IRCop (“*”), idnetified ("r"), and/or have voice ("+"), halfop ("%"), op ("@"), protected ("&"), or owner ("~"). Last bit is the realname