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Thread: Hello, friends!

  1. #1

    Default Hello, friends!

    Im 20 years old and a CS student. and know very little about the comings and goings on the interwebs. I probably should have just started on 4-chan.
    Last edited by bestellen; 01-20-2018 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by bestellen View Post
    Im 20 years old and a CS student. and know very little about the comings and goings on the interwebs. I probably should have just started on 4-chan.
    Hi I am new to programming and computers. Do you want to work on something together. I am working on a website. Send me a private message and I will send you my contact information, maybe we can help each other or work on something together. These forums seem pretty dead, I made an account just to say hi to you.

    Avoid 4chan, it is cancer. Stick to technical communities like Stack Exchange, IRC channels and if you like imageboards, find other ones.

  3. #3


    Thank you for your reply, tsetair!
    Last edited by bestellen; 01-20-2018 at 12:51 PM.

  4. #4


    Hello, I am newbie. I am 18 years old. Nice to meet you guys )

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