Hello everyone, and welcome to Rizon's forums.
You're currently now browsing and reading Rizon's forums. Rizon is a large internet relay chat (IRC) network with an average of 16,000 users daily.
Rizon is popular with many anime fansubbing groups who work online, many of whom provide their content through XDCC via IRC bots in their distribution channels.
In this section, we want you to post your own thread telling us who you are, how you found Rizon and whatever you may want to add. However, there are a few rules for posting here as we want this section to stay clean and easy to read.
- First of all, you must read and obey the forum rules.
- When you post your thread, please try to include as much text as possible without making it a too boring read.
- Also please do NOT revive old threads by members who joined ages ago.
- Keep all threads free from spam. Small-talk will be allowed, questions will be allowed but don't let this get out of hand. Threads that are taken over by loads of spam will be closed.
Alright, let's begin.
My name is Annie and I'm a 20 year old viking living in Norway.
On my spare time I love to play video games and chat on IRC. I love cats, my computer and my friends. I play WoW, Counter-Strike, Air Rivals, Lunia etc. In addition, I got a bunch of ROMs I use on my emulators for old platforms. I love drawing and taking pictures of all and nothing.
Your turn~