I'm not saying my channel is the best or the worst. There are rules but they're for keeping order. If you join be sure to read the topic as it has much information. I'm online mostly all day so I'll talk to you. Come if you want.
I'm not saying my channel is the best or the worst. There are rules but they're for keeping order. If you join be sure to read the topic as it has much information. I'm online mostly all day so I'll talk to you. Come if you want.
My bot stays on but if i close the mIRC it won't do anything. The Rizonbnc have been messing up lately so I'm not identified.
This channel has been moved to #Vesperia due to some.........problems with people.
This channel moved to #The_Hideout.....
BeWaRe You're In FoR A sCaRE
- Your Best Friend Ever -
........... RellyBøyAensland ...........
It doesn't matter now, the owner of the chan is gone. And the chan is no longer registered
BeWaRe You're In FoR A sCaRE