Rather than taking the time to blacklist anything long the much wiser thing on the todo list is just limit the amount of characters it sends.
Rather than taking the time to blacklist anything long the much wiser thing on the todo list is just limit the amount of characters it sends.
yourname / blake
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While we're at it, would it be possible to switch the urbandictionary syntax around?
Right now it is .u <number> <word> while .u <word> <number> would make more sense.
For some reason the weather function won't bring up results for Portland, Oregon. It says "Nothing found."
Use the zip code.
[21:36:41] [&Jason] .w 97212
[21:36:42] [Internets] [Google] Weather for Portland, OR 97212: Current: 78°F, Cloudy, Wind: N at 1 mph, Humidity: 33%
Any chance of setting up the bot to parse .fc/.forecast to give a simplified 5 day outlook like this?
<Sinistrah> !fc 60901
<sp33chy> Kankakee, Illinois Forecast (High/Low); Updated: 3:25 PM CDT (October 28, 2009); Wednesday: Mostly Cloudy, 58/47°F (14/8°C); Thursday: 30% Chance of Rain, 67/54°F (19/12°C); Friday: 40% Chance of Thunderstorms, 61/43°F (16/6°C); Saturday: Partly Cloudy, 54/38°F (12/3°C); Sunday: Partly Cloudy, 54/38°F (12/3°C)
That would be useful for trying to set up any sort of get-together for channels with people who live near one another and know each other outside of the net.
Thanks for the nice bot either way!
We are in the process of rewriting all of our Funserv and many of our other features which is why we haven't added many new features lately. Once we do it will allow for several new things and also the ability to change things should be far easier. At which point I will consider the forecast idea.
dunno where to report technical problems... so i'm mentioning this here....
.qdb is currently not working
I can confirm that .qdb gives an error, but that's not why I'm here.
I'd like to see a .youtube/.y command to lookup youtube stuff as ".g youtube something" doesn't have good results (1 or no youtube links and they suck if they even show up)
nice, I'll have to experiment with it.