Personally I'd have to go with the pause/break button. dont think ive ever pressed it.
Personally I'd have to go with the pause/break button. dont think ive ever pressed it.
Personally I would probably have to say the Windows Key, never use it at all.
yourname / blake
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Using pause/break for pausing/playing music as well as ctrl+pause/break for mIRC.
Using the Windows key for winkey+e, winkey+d, winkey+l, winkey+r etc. all the time.
Never using the capslock key at all, have had it completely disabled for many years.
Definitely the 'insert' key. Nothing is more annoying than realizing you accidentally had overtype enabled in Word while rushing to finish a paper that's due in the next couple of minutes.
But on the other hand, the windows key is absolutely useful! I find myself hitting winkey + D at least once a day (reason disclosed).
I would have to go with insert or Pause/Break
Server Administrator
Services Administrator
Same as Holz, my pause/break is used for controlling foobar2000.
And about the most useless key, I don't think I've ever used the insert and home key in a few years.
The windows key, I use atleast 5 times a day.
[Help team]
don't press the power key, all your project will closed and automatically shut-off your computer instantly.
- Your Best Friend Ever -
........... RellyBøyAensland ...........
Actually power key is disabled on my computer except for holding it for a long time which the only way to disable that would be unhooking it all together.