Quote Originally Posted by Miichiio View Post
With respect to your second point, I will be under the assumption that bots defined on BotServ, under the current implementation, are defined statically. What I am proposing, is that a single bot template (a basic class structure so to speak) be statically defined on BotServ. When an instance of that bot template is created (i.e. joins a channel) a dynamic bot is then created based on the template (an object of the template class) that can be manipulated by user. This instance of the bot would be independent of another instance on another channel. In other words, modifications made to bot instance on channel x will have no effect on bot instance on channel y and have no effect to the statically defined single bot template on BotServ. I believe that this method would ensure that only one (1) static bot on BotServ will be able to service dynamically almost every channel on Rizon.
The dynamic manipulation of the instantiated bot on any channel however, will be limited only to the manipulation of bot names/nicks and their associated hostmasks. All other bot behavior would be governed by the template's rules.
There may only be one client with a particular nickname on the network at any one time, this is for sanity reasons. Any changes to a client's nickname will be propogated across the network to ensure things stay synched. It won't be limited to any one channel.

Basically, from what I gather, you are proposing that a channel be able to create and use it's very own BotServ client exclusively. The sheer amount of services clients alone that this would create makes it rather undesirable. It just uses more of our resources for no actual point